The Door: Kryon’s Parable
By Mary G. Holland
February 27, 2015
Ref: Click on this link to hear the Kryon’s parable channeling by Lee Carroll: Kryon’s Parable of Wo – Sacramento, CA, held 22 Feb 2015
The Door analogy that Kryon describes in his Parable of Wo, representing the door to higher consciousness, is not one that I see in my dreams or daydream meditations as Wo did. There were other parts of this reading that I do experience precisely as he describes. And the door concept is one that I do understand. I just wish I could stay on the other side of it, all the time. ;-)

I tend to experience it more as an almost imperceptible transition to sort of a new dimension, where I’m in the same place, the same world, with the same people. But everything is slightly more alive, processes work a bit more smoothly, I’m happier, almost ecstatic. Time evaporates. I feel very “connected”, as long as I keep my head in the right place. I get there most often when I’m creating stuff, or working towards a goal, it transports me.
In recent years I’ve noticed time has “sped up” a great deal. Many spiritual sources have spoken of this as a characteristic of the Earth’s energy vibrating at a higher frequency. Sometimes the ramp up is slow and steady over a few months. Sometimes the increase is like a sudden lurch to fast time, and holds steady at that rate for awhile. I struggle to catch up, sometimes it takes months, sometimes easily. I measure my progress by how well I can gauge how much I can get done in a day. Just as I’m catching up, time speeds up again.
The net result though is that I am just not accomplishing as much as I used to in one day. It’s this factor that is making it very difficult for me to plan anything effectively, so just I’ve stopped worrying about that, and don’t plan anymore.
What’s interesting is that I am always able to recover, sync back up – the time frequency jump is never too much. I always find that God never throws more in our paths than we are able to handle at any point in time.
The second thing I’ve noticed is the synchronicity phenomena while reaching for a goal – where events, resources, people will suddenly appear exactly when and in exactly the amount needed…or not, and instead, obstacles are thrown in my path, the people or resources I need and thought I could depend upon, are not there, I’m even thrown backwards.
I have noticed that both the timing thing (specifically, having enough time to complete a task perfectly on time, before the next critical path task must be done), and synchronicity of resources and coordinating events falling magically in place, has been directly proportional to my state of mind and where I am
placing my focus. If I am clear, balanced, calm, and have my end game clearly and confidently in mind, not thinking about the obstacles, just where I want to be, knowing I will get there at exactly the right moment, everything falls in place.
In that moment I’ve learned, through repetitive experiences, that I am in an altered state of being. The synchronicity is absolutely magical, uncanny, unbelievable, way outside of the boundaries of chance. I have no sense of time, time completely falls away. That is really something for me because in the past, I tended to have near perfect timing – but I now find I don’t need that skill, it doesn’t work or serve me. Instead, what serves me is to be focused on my goal, calmly and confidently, ignoring the obstacles. For me, time is dropping away.
I’m experiencing this more often now – both the synchronicity phenomena and the time vanishing thing. As a result, I’m achieving my goals perfectly and exactly on time.
When in that state of mind, I see other evidence that matches what Kryon describes: of animals and people gathering around me, appreciative and affectionate; feeling like I’m on a blissful high, feeling very intuitive and insightful, in touch with spirit.
In that moment I want to make it last, so I keep pushing, work until I’m exhausted physically, mentally, emotionally…I fall out of balance. I notice the synchronicity falls off, even works against me, beyond chance. I’m a tenacious person, but if I keep pushing at that point it gets worse. I’m in a bad mood. Animals, people retreat; progress, tools, situations, even steps I’ve completed start failing. I realize at that point I’ve slipped back through the veil, and the door lies once again in front of me.
Unlike what Kryon describes, passing through the Door isn’t a just “once and you’re done” experience like Wo as having, at least not for me.
What I experience is like what meditation gurus have described for thousands of years – just a glimpse of higher realms, then you’re back in “3D” as Kryon calls it. Only now, it seems with the new energy, the high is higher.
When I’ve fallen back, the low is a real hard landing. Whiplash. I often snap nastily at people, uncontrollably, do battle with those who normally are my greatest supporters, causing real damage because my energy’s become so strong. I always regret it. At least when I fall back now, I don’t regress so far back into the very negative behaviors I engaged in when I was younger. I just go far enough that I see I’ve hurt others and I’m behind the Door again.
Kryon does say the Wo parable is just an overview perspective, that everyone’s experiences will be different. Whew, that’s good to know.
I do believe he’s correct in saying that when we look back and can’t see the door anymore, and can’t return, we’ll know we’ve fully transitioned.
Well I’m not there yet. It isn’t easy for me to forget the door and just beam me to the other side, Scotty. Glad to hear it wasn’t for Wo either. Maybe describing this stumbling I’m doing will help start up a discussion and help others who are also struggling.
I just have to keep trying. It’s all about focusing on where I want to be, seeing myself already at my goal, ignoring the obstacles – simply knowing they’ll be dealt with. And when the resources appear to deal with them, give thanks, acknowledge the resource as evidence that everything’s falling in place, happily address the obstacle, and move on, visualizing the end game again.
Have any of you experienced anything like this? Would you share?