Know as You Go
By Mary G. Holland
February 19, 2015
The February 15, 2015 Lee Carroll channeling of Kryon, held last weekend in Atlanta, was particularly insightful and relevant.
You can hear the original channeling that I’m writing about, at Lee Carroll’s Kryon site here.
There were three major points made, and one preliminary bit of insight for physicists.
The scientific hint: We have a bias to look at groups of ten, because we have a base ten numbering system, but the universe actually is based on twelve. If you count confluences of laws, properties, behaviors, etc. in physics, in the universe, you will find they cluster in groups of 12, and its factors (3, 4, 6.) Look for clusters of these. Then focus research on the groups of similar laws or properties, where one seems to be missing, such as unexplained phenomena, and puzzling behaviors. This is a hint to finding yet undiscovered laws of physics.
I’m assuming this is a continuation from prior readings suggesting that finding the physical laws presently missing from our scientific knowledge will eventually lead to a greater understanding that the energy of consciousness is completely explained by physics; and that human consciousness, a very powerful energy, can control both matter and other energy.
Here’s what Kryon said in the rest of the reading.
- When you discover your truth, it is usual for humans to immediately share it with others, which amounts to evangelizing. Do not share your truth. Instead, internalize your truth and behave authentically in tune with it. Let others see
your truth in the way you live your life. Let others see that you encounter the same problems they do, but you respond in a state of balance, love, compassion, rather than frustration, fear, drama. Eventually they will take notice. They will see you are different. They will ask you what you have, that they do not. Then, you can share your truth. The impact on others will be long lasting. No one will be able to argue your mastery, your balance.
We’ve seen so many examples of this by other masters. Rather than drawing on religious figures I’ll use Yoda from Star Wars – remember the swamp scene became where he’s teaching Luke Skywalker how to levitate the space ship? Luke was failing and frustrated because he was using physical force. Yoda peaceful, connected with The Force, and raised the ship with his consciousness.
- All systems in our society are changing, quickly. Kryon gave some examples:
- Big Pharma will collapse and be replaced by another system.
- Our reliance on a single huge electrical grid is tenuous and we will start to develop lower cost, neighborhood and town-based, self powered electrical grids.
- Miniature robotics will de-salt ocean water in real time, to solve the international drinking water shortage.
He says we’re wasting a huge amount of time and energy asking Spirit how to address these practical problems. The answers will come from brilliant young people just entering the workforce now. Watch their ideas and inventions and help them with your Old Soul wisdom. There have been brilliant scientists in past eras too, but what makes this possible now is the new energy of the earth.
- Old Souls are asking with the new energy, what is my path? What direction do I go? In the old energy, humans would have a question like this and find a map, find a how-to book, get a reading from spirit, and develop a plan on how to proceed. Or they would stand in one place and ask God to show them the way.
Neither of these methods will work in the new energy. Kryon says, this is about our free will – both individually and collectively.
Even if Spirit wanted to share with you what they saw in your future, doing so interferes with your free will. In addition, humans are now more than ever, exercising their free will, which is working better in the new energy. The situation is changing so fast now, that it’s getting much harder for Spirit to predict probabilities than in the past.
The new instruction: If we have a goal – something we want, wish to do, or someplace we want to go – don’t make a plan. Don’t ask for guidance. Simply “Launch yourself at nothing, and sing travel songs as you go, even as the fork in the road approaches.” You don’t need a map. You need to trust your intuition. You will find at the last minute, your intuition will tell you what direction to turn. Then onto the next fork in the road – the same way.
This immediately reminded me of the first Harry Potter book and movie, Chamber of Secrets, where Harry must get to the invisible Hogwarts Express Train platform by pushing his fully loaded cart, full speed, into the apparently solid stone pillar on the regular station platform. He does so, and instead of crashing, comes out the magical side on the platform.
Kryon says our consciousness is comprised of three metaphorical elements: our synapses (brain), our intuition (from the pineal gland), and the magnetic field around our heart, which also includes special cells (that science will eventually discover) which act like nerve synapses, but on behalf of the heart. We need to learn to use all three of these together in balance for full consciousness. Right now, we must learn to trust our intuition and heart much more.
If we follow this guidance it will bring us into greater balance.
Kryon repeats the instruction, this time saying if we genuinely want to move towards a goal, then do so a little at a time, sensing the potentials as we go. Which way to turn depends on what is happening in the moment, because everything is changing so fast. No map will help.
Kryon warns us that if we start to do this, others will question us. The young people are already doing this, and some of the older ones are questioning their lack of a plan. The young ones respond “Really? We’re going to know as we go.” And the older ones say “Ah, this younger generation. What’s going to happen to them?” Kryon says what will happen with Know As You Go, is Peace on Earth.
These messages struck me personally so much because some of it echos intuition I have been receiving for some time, especially recently. Here are some examples.
- The theme of bringing Balance in my life kicked in late last fall, causing me to abandon an assortment of business plans and projects in motion since 2007. I’m now clearing these away, to give my intuition room. I’m Feng Shui’ing my life.
- The theme of keeping one’s beliefs to oneself started coming up earlier last year. I’ve been applying it and find that not only do I get along better with others, but by keeping my mouth shut, I have more time to listen to others and appreciate what they have to say. Then when I do have something to say, others listen.
- I’ve always been a planning fanatic, and have always been really good at it, it’s helped me do well as a manager. I’ve also been really accurate estimating jobs, both in cost and time. In the past ten years or so it’s been getting harder and harder, despite applying all the techniques I’ve used successfully in the past. It’s gotten so bad that I’ve been questioning the very wisdom of planning. The idea of trusting one’s intuition even more than before, of having the courage and faith to operate without a plan, emerged strongly in my mind last fall, and I’ve been practicing “going with the flow”. I’ve found my mind is clearer, I’m less stressed, and my intuition is even better.
- I received a past life reading back in 1999 or 2000 from Rik Thurston of Brockville, Ontario (now deceased) who told me that one my life’s lessons this round is not to fear falling off the cliff – instead, spread my wings and learn to fly. That certainly supports what’s needed to “Know as You Go”.
- During another public Q&A session with Rik Thurston, I asked, “Tell me what my guides say that I need to know but I am just not getting.” He said, “Lead, even if no one is following.” That reminds me of the first point that Kryon made.
Of course much of what Kryon says is simply repeating the same wisdom of past Masters (pick yours of choice – Moses, Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Yoda, Superman, whoever.)
But then, we still don’t seem to get it, do we?
Adept Masters know just when to Play it Again.